Where can I get help doing my taxes?
Library staff are NOT tax experts, but we can help point you to places you can find help doing your taxes.
United Way 2-1-1
Call the United Way at 211 to get local help with essential community services.
E-file your taxes for free using TaxSlayer.com. Users will be asked to create an account when they use this free service.
Find free services to Free File through the IRS.
The University of Missouri Extension
Sponsors tax services by appointment (in-person or virtually) in partnership with agencies in the KC Metro Tax Coalition. To schedule, call United Way 2-1-1 or 816.474.5112. Please follow these instructions for your appointment.
Free Help Preparing Your Tax Return
Subscribe today: The IRS YouTube channels provide short, informative videos on various tax related topics in English, Spanish and ASL.
• www.youtube.com/@irsvideos
• www.youtube.com/@irsmultilingual
• www.youtube.com/@irsvideosASL