How can I find help with landlord/tenant questions?


If you are a tenant being sued for eviction or know a tenant who is being sued for eviction, please visit this site. The link will bring you to a system that can be accessed by a collaborative group of organizations that provide legal services, tenant education, and rental assistance (at no cost to the tenant). If you do not want your information shared on that system or you do not have access to a computer, please call the intake number directly: 816.474.5112.

Healthy Homes Rental Inspection Program for Kansas City, Missouri

The Healthy Homes Rental Inspection Program provides regulations for minimum health and safety standards in rental housing in Kansas City, Mo. There are several ways to file a complaint with the Health Department. You may call the City’s Action Center (3-1-1), call the Healthy Homes Rental Inspection Program (816-513-6347), or walk-in to the Program located at 2400 Troost Ave, Suite 3600 to file a complaint.

Heartland Center for Jobs and Freedom

If you are a renter in Missouri, you can call (816) 278-1344 for a free legal consultation with Heartland Center for Jobs and Freedom.

Justice in the Halls

You can find Legal Aid of Western Missouri attorneys on Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:30 pm at the Justice in the Halls project in Jackson County Courthouse. They provide legal information to low-income residential tenants who are being evicted by their landlords. Attorneys provide tenants with information regarding their rights as tenants, evidence the tenant needs to keep their housing, and what the tenant can expect in the courtroom.

KC Tenants

KC Tenants created this Incident Report as a safe place to report incidents related to housing / homelessness / COVID19. If you or someone you know is in crisis, facing harassment from a landlord, or if you just have a question about your rights, please submit your story and basic information to this form. Please indicate if you need more urgent assistance.

If you have a health issue in your home and you have already called Healthy Homes and the issue wasn’t resolved, KC Tenants can look into it after reviewing the incident report.

Missouri’s Landlord Tenant Law (from the Missouri Attorney General, revised March 2019)

Missouri Bar Association’s Consumer Law Guide (published July 2014)

Missouri Legal Services – Housing Issues

Each of these issues has its own pages with more information:

Self-Help for Tenants, Legal Aid of Western Missouri, K.C., MO

These self-help guides are for use in the Western Missouri service area only: They were updated in February 2020.


  • Last Updated Jun 06, 2023
  • Views 1109
  • Answered By Jenny Garmon

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